Thanks for coming back!
This week (and a bit) has been a ride. Most of my time has been spent looking after the wee man, which is awesome, though it doesn't leave much time for other stuff - like writing this or anything else.
So yeah, I bought an Instagram account! I’ve enjoyed the look of intrigue in some and perplexion (is that a word?) in others, having told various people this. The timing wasn’t ideal as it was a bit eggs benny and outside of what I could afford, though I felt it was a good opportunity.
Basically a page that I already follow in the pet niche, posted that it was selling (which is the first red flag by the way, there are heaps of marketplaces to sell these pages properly) and I was interested straight away. One of the projects that I’ll share more about as the journey goes on is building what’s know in the online world as ‘content sites’. Basically if you can create a valuable enough asset that people visit, you can make money from it. I saw this instagram page as a way of speeding up being able to get traffic to the website.
So I downloaded Revolut, as I’d heard that was a quick way to send money overseas and then I got the seller to setup an account. I had a pretty nervous wait as I sent a few hundred dollars to some random in the US, who was supposedly going to give the login details for this account.
They did come through, however, so now we own a new Instagram account!
I’ve posted a couple of times and the audience seems legit. The only issue is the business account of this page has been shut down for some reason, so I need to get to the bottom of that.
I reckon that’s why the old mate didn’t post it on a legitimate marketplace to sell it, because there were a few skeletons in the closet. Hopefully I can clean up any mess they've made and end up with a great page that helps to drive traffic to our yet-to-be-built website.
On the website topic - I’m currently doing some online training to build my first WordPress website that will be the same topic as the instagram page. I never saw myself as a website builder though weirdly I’m excited about the process and what will eventuate out of it. More to come.
I recently listened to a podcast of a fellow aussie creator, we actually went to the same school - The Luke Page podcast. It was called ‘This is why you’re miserable and how to start feeling amazing everyday’. The title is a bit intense and I wouldn’t say I feel miserable though lately has been a bit of a cycle of tiredness from the little man waking overnight and projects not working out as planned. In this poddy episode he laid down a 30-day challenge which I’m going to start today. I’m hoping to feel a bit less cluttered and more in control of things. I’ll keep you posted on how it goes. The link to the episode is below if you want to check it yourself.
What I’m consuming:
- Adam Quiney is an executive coach who recently posted about how consistency can be taking days off as well. It’s really helped to take the pressure off at the moment when I’m arguably trying to do too much. I have spent more time off the horse than on it lately and definitely feeling like I’m not winning because I’m not posting or doing something that I’ve wanted to do, each day.

- Susie Moore is also a coach and her recent podcast episode is about the book, The One Thing, by Jay Papasan and Gary Kelleher. The book is focused around asking the question - ‘what's the one thing I can do, such that by doing it, can make everything easier or unnecessary?’ The idea is instead of doing heaps of things and spinning your wheels, you focus on one thing that is going to move the needle for you most.
- I’m a fan of the book and I’ve read it at least 3 times and I always like being reminded of it. It’s timely also because sometimes I forgot these principles and now I need to ask myself this question - as I think I have bitten off more than I can chew at the moment (bit of a recurring theme in this week haha)
Book I’m reading:
‘Lagom, The Swedish Art of Living a Balanced, Happy Life.’ By Niki Brantmark
I love reading books like this, they immediately make me feel more centred.
Not intentionally, I’ve started reading this book the week that the happiest countries list was released for 2023 and for the 6th year in a row, Finland came in at number 1. Also, included in the top 10 are Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Iceland and Norway. These countries are all pretty closeby and have lots of similarities. An overarching theme is that they all take time to rest, be in nature, prioritise family time and self-care and generally live a simple life. I’m all about that life.
DJOTW (Dad joke of the week):
Which days are the strongest? Saturday and Sunday. The rest are weekdays.
Catch you next week ✌️